Christmas in Ladysmith

Photo: Ladysmith Chronicle


Because we followed an evening star,
here, to our new slimmed-down home
among the stolid mountains,
the high jewel lakes, the anxious highway,
the lordly logging trucks,
the life-giving waterfalls of Holland Creek,
the pushy mufflers of Ford 150s,
parked by the shining shops on First,
the lineup at the cinnamon-bun bakery,
gluten-free at Wild Poppy,
the slick black canopy of Salamander Books,
nests of knick-knacks at the general store,
and the old Temperance Hotel, now a gallery
with framed impressions of the Salish Sea;
on to Transfer Beach, its gritty history,
and a constellation of boats,
their masts and sails defined by strings of lights —
the way Christmas puts all things in high relief —
then back to the levitating suburbs,
light the gas fireplace, ease the yearly hollowness
with mulled wine — bury some worries
of the temporary kind.

This year, family-absent, we’ll celebrate
with local friends, share the family stories,
our speckled histories.
We’ll chatter up the joys, modulate the sorrows —
loving reunions, unsolvable divisions —
all that’s real and never far from pain or laughter.
And I’ll prattle on about last-years perfect Christmas,
then recall the one before,
I saw my partner weeping.



  1. Thank you for taking me back to memories of my home island, Stephen. I live on the prairies but spent the first half of my life in various island locales. Your descriptions of Ladysmith makes me nostalgic for that unique island village atmosphere. And, like you, I feel the paradox of Christmas joys and sorrows; inescapable for old sentimentalists like us. Merry anyway.

  2. Thanks Stephen for sharing your thoughts and words of wisdom/reflection this past year. May you have a blessed Christmas and an enjoyable New Year.

  3. “celebrate…all that is real and never far from pain or laughter.”
    Such a powerful truth.
    Wishing you joy in your celebrations.
    Thank you for giving me joy in sharing your gift for soulful prose.

  4. Stephen, as usual expressed so descriptive and evocative. Understanding the gap that is felt by people missing. Wishing you to be wrapped with love from those that are near this season!!!!

  5. Having lived in Duncan and Chemainus for about 4 years, I remember well Christmas time on the Island. The annual parade of decorated ships at Maple Bay and Ladysmith was unique and fun. Those cinnamon buns sound really good about now. Thanks for the memories you stirred Stephen!

  6. Thank you for the stroll
    among the

    a little joy, a little
    leaving the harsher bits behind

    a little something sweet
    and a gift
    of friendship

    makes a season bright
    Thank you Stephen

    Best Wishes <3

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