Young Moms seem the Happiest

It is a truth to say
young moms
seem the happiest
of our lot.
It seems trite to say,
there is hope here
and yet it is true
and should batter down
our sophisticated ease
of judging celebrity
and money
as golden goals
we pursue
to our own extinction.

Have a thought then
for the young mom
who bends at the crib
to smile and coo
at a sunflower face
with surprised
blackberry eyes
and orchid lips
that stop
all the traffic of earth;
who would give her life
without question
or hesitation
and so lances loose
some core of greed
rooted in the boil
of our culture,
and whether we notice
or not
the world for a moment
is restored.


  1. Ah, yes. . . the put down ‘boil of our culture’ that denigrates the calling of motherhood and creative parenting.

    1. Yes, thanks Ike, and too the cultural boil that upholds our greed-is-good economy and its resultant anxiety as compared to the self-giving love and the inherent happiness of a young mom.

  2. ” Have a thought then for the young mom who bends at the crib to smile and coo
    at a sunflower face with surprised blackberry eyes and orchid lips that stop
    all the traffic of earth”

    So beautiful Stephen and I have a catch in my throat at remembering my little ones of so long ago. Thank you.

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