Absence, Presence and Laughing Toads

In the absence of context there is exploitation;
in the absence of courage there is nationalism;
in the absence of compassion there is militarization;
in the absence of community there is corporatization;
in the absence of faith there is mechanization;
in the absence of respect there is colonization;
in the absence of dignity there is death;
in the absence of understanding there is fear;

in the presence of loam, rain, sunlight,
there is rosemary, mint and lavender;
in the presence of cattails, marsh grass, lilies,
there are red-winged black birds and laughing toads;
in the presence of wind there is liturgy;
in the presence of large flakes of falling snow
there are children with tongues out;

in the absence of beauty there is violence;
in the absence of forgiveness there is darkness;
in the absence of ambiguity there is totalitarianism;
in the absence of mystery there is fundamentalism;
in the absence of insight there is hate;
in the absence of humility there is eugenics;
in the absence of relationship there is engineering;
in the absence of conversation there is atrophy;
in the absence of evolution there is extinction;
there is extinction in the absence of love;

in the presence of Love
we are all one breath.


  1. Ah! In the presence of love we are all one breath.
    With one breath there is the presence of dignity even in death.
    I appreciate how your words paint what is possible in presence. As I give attention to life and what sustains it, I do grow/notice that which is already longing to be here now. Thank you for these words.

  2. The context of absence and presence empowers the last line about the shared breath, which reminds me of Gen. 2:7 – “the Lord God took the dust and formed the man and breathed into them the breath of life and they became a living being.” the great communal Breath that gives life and is love.

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