I know your compassion for people,
your tireless research and study to be a practitioner,
to become more of a healer than you already are.
I know your path, which is now your vocation,
has lead you to be with those
who have been compromised and harmed.
I know your love of trees and chickadees,
rocks and lakes, day moons and sunsets,
and that you speak and work for justice
for the grand mosaic of all beings.
I know you suffered under the conventions of church and culture
and even fear at disappointing your parents,
and yet you rose, day after day, without judgment, in hope
of one day naming your truer self.
I know that pain is a constant occupant,
a lurking monster, a crouching sniper
and while you refuse to let it define you,
it has also deepened your sensitivity
toward the pain of our world.
I know that you are a loving partner,
companion, sibling, friend,
and that there awaits a particular happiness
for those who have yet to meet you.
I know that you embody a unique complexity
of masculine and feminine
through which you meet the world
in a richness of oneness.
I know you have taught me, brought me,
shown me the authenticity of gender’s nonduality,
that reality is not individual but communal,
that we flourish through inclusivity, that harmony
through diversity is the heart’s sacred home,
and that joy is in opening and releasing your “I”
into the expanding unity of the true Self,
the path of connection, the path of love.