Never thought I’d find myself going out of my way to praise our local tabloid. But this morning as I walked by one of the Edmonton Sun’s red dispensers I was delighted to read today’s headline…REBIRTH OF HOPE, and the tagline…Easter from Edmonton to Afghanistan rekindles world spirits. How refreshing.
Of course, a bit confusing was that directly under the headline was a picture of an Oiler fan and seller of Oiler paraphernalia. But the incongruent juxtaposition of headline and picture is something the Sun always does. At least today the picture of a happy and hopeful Oiler fan fits the headline.
So, to the EdSun…credit where credit is due. It’s a rare time that the front page of a newspaper serves to bouy your spirits.
It also seems to me that the grass has turned green overnight. Fitting for resurrection week.
Perhaps Alexander Pope was right. In the face of adversity, whether it’s Detroit or Kandahar, “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.”