Observations on Cook Street

Cookstreet Coffee on Cook street in Victoria. It’s early.

A feathering of light is dusting up some pleasing green on the backs of trees. Magnolia trees on the boulevard remind me of music, a song. “Magnolia, you sweet thing…”

A young girl from the twenties cycles by, straight back and arms on a big-hooped bike. Tweed jacket, jumpers, and white scarf floating below-pined up hair.

Across the street a small brick shop called Lifestyle Markets stays closed.

We observe. We dream. We long.

I return to the weight of return. My mind, already on the plane. So much for mindfulness.

Everything in me yearns for more of that early resplendent sun on my face. A dusting of restive light. More.

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Secret to LIfe

Perhaps this post might be an encouragement and even a shot of hope across the bow of your life.

You see, I’ve discovered the secret to life in all its dimensions. And it’s this:

One really excellent decision will cancel out the idiotic decisions of a lifetime and help you make less idiotic decisions in the future.

I made an excellent one 21 years ago today.

Granted, it wasn’t always easy. (This being a second go for each of us.) Even our wedding (shown below) was rather surreal. Almost as though we were observers.


Still, as we’ve walked this married path, we’ve gradually inhabited ourselves, (you’ll have guessed where most of the credit must go for this) becoming, I believe, increasingly more of who we are and who we were meant to be through a long journey of self-discovery, which, ironically, must always be done through partnership.

Here’s to excellent decisions for all.

Andrea House better than ever


Andrea just keeps getting better.

Caught her at the Axis cafe Friday, along with an intimate crowd of friends and new comers.

With her husband, Chris Smith, a superlative guitar player with an impressive folk circuit history, and with the icing of a some sweet steel guitar playing by Bob (last name to be retrieved) the date was one of her finest.

But it’s her songs and poetry…and that voice, that both revive and intoxicate. She’s like a great pinot.

And so…good news! Talking to her after the show Andrea told me that this fall an effort will begin in earnest towards production of a new CD. 

In the mean time, August finds her in New York for several dates. And how cool is that? See her site (sidebar link) for details.

Here’s to a far wider discovery.

Competitive Eating and Fashion

The valency of comfort plus fashion has finally come to the sport of competitive eating.


Marcy and Margo may not be in the league of Korea’s Kobayashi or America’s Joey Chestnut (66 hotdogs in 12 minutes) but when it comes to gastro-fashion they have no peers.

The stunning voluminous Emu sweater, pregnant with judge-appealing pattern, will ensure every bulge stays hidden. At the same time, while every drop of blood races to your gastrointestinal tract, the warmth of Emu wool will keep the hypothermic death-chills at bay.

Subtly complementing the Emu top, but making it all work, are the stretch pants. Made of a blend of Lycra for flex, and fiberglass for strength, they hug without the personal-space-constricting ways of your annoying uncle.

The secret is in the waistband which is anchored to your breastbone by a super-strength polymer adhesive. Comfortably positioned halfway between crotch and nape, the waistband, with inflatable option, absolutely ensures no embarrassing pant slippage during actual gorging, while minimizing the chances of regurgitation.

Not a gastric gladiator? No matter. The Emu sweater and stretch pants ensemble looks good and feels even better at every and any BBQ.

Enjoy the dogs, and have a lovely weekend.