Sometimes while driving a dirt road beside a blooming canola field
Sometimes, while driving a dirt road beside a blooming canola field,all things become simple, exquisite, undivided. Yellows flow unframed and unforced through g...
Sometimes, while driving a dirt road beside a blooming canola field,all things become simple, exquisite, undivided. Yellows flow unframed and unforced through g...
I don’t mind my feet stuck in hardpan or moss between my toes.I don’t mind the droughtand I don’t mind the storm.I have no need to flyanything...
I am walking under a coalescing sky, in my commissioned role as Weed Inspector. A long polygon of pasture under a low-slung sun awaits, like a veranda, and I wa...
Yesterday, walking a fence line north of Chip Lake,I thought I saw my dad standing on a stony rise,like the one in Saskatchewan on the west side of the Riversid...