Daily Office
This short commute to my daily office,like winning some holy lottery: held to lose my self to the grand humility of rock and lichen,tangled sea kelp, shor...
This short commute to my daily office,like winning some holy lottery: held to lose my self to the grand humility of rock and lichen,tangled sea kelp, shor...
In the weariness of world violence, in the endless distractions and faux-fascinations that seek to shred your soul and bury your spirit, there comes something a...
I walked outside at four in the morning, stepped down off the deck and rounded the cabin. The birds had started their predawn songs. Two robins in particular we...
“Sometimes God calls a person to unbelief in order that faith may take new forms.” -Christian Wiman, My Bright Abyss – Meditation of a Modern Believ...