People retire all the time – today is my time
People retire all the time—today is my time. I’ve been asked what it feels like: I say, it’s like a blind curve on a dirt road, and you’re in ...
People retire all the time—today is my time. I’ve been asked what it feels like: I say, it’s like a blind curve on a dirt road, and you’re in ...
I would like to say how, and in what way, this day matters. Why Easter still matters. How the story matters. I would like to explain how Easter may be a comfort...
The following is a kind of polemical poem, written against myself, inspired in part, in edging close to the end of a 25-year career in social care with Hope Mis...
Today at Tokyo Express they’re playing Hotel California! Perhaps, you’re thinking, this hardly warrants an exclamation mark. And certainly, as far a...