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When we walked near the incoming tide and a light wind was exaggerating the wavesand it was nearing dark and everything seemed as close as the sound of pebbles ...
When we walked near the incoming tide and a light wind was exaggerating the wavesand it was nearing dark and everything seemed as close as the sound of pebbles ...
Surprised by happiness and intimacy, 30 years in today, I tip the hat to—besides the fact that Deb has a treasury of relational skills (I own a couple too...
This short commute to my daily office,like winning some holy lottery: held to lose my self to the grand humility of rock and lichen,tangled sea kelp, shor...
In the weariness of world violence, in the endless distractions and faux-fascinations that seek to shred your soul and bury your spirit, there comes something a...