May the compassion of a long gentle rain fall on our pyrocene

“Peace Talks” by Karen Tamminga-Paton


The nations are in an uproar; the kingdoms totter; the earth melts. – Psalm 46

and may we recall: the earth has no political party, the winds have no government, the oceans have no left or right, the tectonic plates have no allegiance to kingdoms, the planet’s mantle has no thought of empire;

the nations are echoes in smoke, the great cities are incinerating their names, the silver statues and gilded plaques in palatial plazas and oxygenated patios are sinking in ash;

life is not bought—there are no stocks that uplift the spirit, no bonds that enhance the soul, no banks that augment the heart—no security in celebrity;

once, well, occasionally, we made movies about the fleeting gleam of diamonds, the hidden treasure of charity, the morning dew of truth, the kiss of justice and peace in the garden of community;

today, our outsized liars are leaders; and our bets are on the greed of plutocrats and a supporting cast of jesters, fawning senators, and limp diplomats;

today, our money’s on the amygdalas of Superheroes—the religion of revenge with its benediction of battling to end;

Where’s Daddy, Lavender, and The Gospel, are actual names for AI algorithms—field-tested and bundled for resale—to assist in the elimination of a people and their past;

and now it’s midnight, and the only dawn left to us, should we find the vision for it, is humility—the superpower to change one’s mind: teshuvah, come to our senses—become poor-in-spirit, become mourners, and comforters, and rain-bringers.



  1. In times of social upheaval and change, poets have often been the last bastion of clarity raising the questions that need to be asked and pointing what is being forgotten. In some Latin American countries the poets, not the politicians, are on the local currency as a sign of respect for this reason. Thank you for raising your voice Stephen and calling attention to details so many cannot, or do not want to see.

  2. “. . . the only dawn left to us, should we have the vision for it, is humility –the superpower to change. . .”

  3. ???? and may we recall: the earth has no political party, the winds have no government, the oceans have no left or right, the tectonic plates have no allegiance to kingdoms, the planet’s mantle has no thought of empire;????

  4. Oh, this is such an accurate portrayal of the U.S. right now: “today, our outsized liars are leaders; and our bets are on the greed of plutocrats and a supporting cast of jesters, fawning senators, and limp diplomats.” I hope that we survive the wrath and incompetence of our incoming “administration”.

    I wish I could understand why so many think that Trump and team of greedy/power-hungry oligarchs will be their “saviors”. Oh, beware of false profits.

  5. “the superpower to change one’s mind: teshuvah, come to our senses—become poor-in-spirit, become mourners, and comforters, and rain-bringers.”
    An apt commentary and response to “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”
    Thanks again, Steve.

  6. **Mic drop**
    Stephen, phenomenal work. Beautifully paired with Karen’s painting and the words from the Psalms. May it be so.

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