Names long-listed for YHWH, the “I AM”

Denim woman reads a garden
Wounds heal in fragrance of forest
Skein of sea under silver wash of sky
Sleeping soil beneath eucalyptus leaves
Rush of winged elm seeds
Saskatoon pie, cooling 
Shout of sunrise over a lake, elohim shalom!
Small boy bringing home milk cows
Allegro woodpecker in a symphony of hemlock
Orb-weaver swinging off glass tower
Sweep of searchlight in starlight
Silver fringe of eclipsing moon
Kiss of chrysanthemum
Flicker of candle in clay jar
Sharp dart of love to the ribcage
Woodstove warming winter cabin
Mountain bluebird on palm of Mary’s son
Eight hours of deep sleep
Children at play in bluestem meadow
Children at peace in Palestine
Children at peace everywhere
Wars drown in the sea
Sea welcomes new rivers
End and Beginning



  1. I love these names Stephen. And so must YHWH. Everyone will have names that particularly draw them. Mine is “Rush of winged elm seeds” I imagine YHWH smiles, as I do, to think on them. Thank you.

  2. I love all of these but especially Children at peace… everywhere. I wish and hope and pray and cry, if only it could be.

  3. What a beautifully evocative list, Stephen with a particularly poignant last few lines beginning with “children at peace in Palestine”
    Yes, I say, “Yes”

  4. I could get lost in any one of these, each of these, and walk to where they lead me.
    such peace (by the end of the poem). love.

  5. Oh, my! I needed this, Steve.
    Should be on the opening screen of every cell phone and on the front page of every newspaper in every language. There can’t be a soul on the planet who doesn’t require the balm of such a message.

    list with additions from their own idiolect.

  6. “Sharp dart of love to the ribcage”
    Oh my, You really do grow mercy.
    My eyelids flutter, in recognition of unexpected balm. The words rinsing out settled resignation. My little bird heart remembering the notes to mercy.
    Yes, I think, time to ready myself for dawn.
    Thank you

  7. Love this. I have a list I wrote myself…so we’re on a similar wonder/wander. Here’s a few from my list for fun and for company.

    the crackle of thin ice in the gutter
    the breeze that slips under your shirt and kisses your belly
    the spider, casting itself aloft
    the soft clink of cutlery in the drawer
    the pounding of the heart, steady and rhythmic

    Peace today, everywhere…and thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your words!

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